Book Donations
We are passionate about giving back, to give disadvantaged kids access to our books to empower and inspire them to be the best they can be.
With the help of countless generous customers and Kickstarter backers, we've been able to donate hundreds of copies to children in need. We hope to be able to donate many more books with your help.
If you'd like to make a donation of our books to a local school library, public library, hospital, charity, or other non-profit organization, please contact us for special discount pricing.
2023 Kickstarter Donations
Thank you so much to these generous customers who donated books to children in need in our I Will Always Love You + I Wish You Happiness Kickstarter. ❤️
- Amanda Toomey, MO, USA.
- Amy Jensen, NJ, USA.
- Brian R. Warren, CA, USA.
- Colleen Bacon, NC, USA.
- Michael Ware, OR, USA.
- Molly Tobias, CA, USA.
- Rupamanjari Majumder, Göttingen, Germany.
- Sarah Solomon, MA, USA.
2022 Aboriginal Literacy Foundation Donation

We donated 10 hardcover copies of I Wish You Happiness to the Aboriginal Literacy Foundation in Melbourne, Australia. Thank you to all the customers and Kickstarter backers who helped make this possible.
The Aboriginal Literacy Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit, charitable organisation. They seek to transform the lives of Indigenous children by focusing on literacy and numeracy education in collaboration with local communities and partners.
2022 Kids Need To Read Donation

We donated 25 hardcover copies of both the I Wish You Happiness and I Will Always Be Proud of You to Kids Need to Read. Thank you to all the customers and Kickstarter backers who helped make this possible.
“We got your books in! They are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thank you so much for your generous gift, I can’t wait to start sharing these with the children KNTR serves.” – Jessica Payne, Executive Director, Kids Need to Read.
Kids Need to Read help improve the lives of disadvantaged children by providing inspiring books and engaging literacy programs to underfunded governmental schools, libraries, and 501(c)(3) organizations across the United States and its territories. Kids Need to Read is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation and is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.
2022 Customer Donations
Thank you so much to these generous customers who donated books to children in need. ❤️
- Kimberly Gray, NE, USA.
- Cynthia Purvis, GA, USA.
2022 Kickstarter Donations
Thank you so much to these generous donors from our April 2022 I Will Always Be Proud of You Kickstarter.
- Amanda Toomey, MO, USA.
- Angela Tsai, NY,USA.
- Anne Maree Durnan, NSW, Australia.
- Ashley Orndorff, PA, USA.
- Christine Gourley, OK, USA.
- Deadinsky, ON, Canada
- Grant Vassos, ON, Canada.
- Huy Lam, OH, USA.
- Jacob cookman, OR, USA.
- Jennifer Senne, SC, USA.
- John Masiulionis, CA, USA.
- Jordan Grace, NC, USA.
- Kathi
- Kim Barchenger, AZ, USA.
- Kristi Stalder, USA
- Kristina Respeto, NJ, USA.
- Layna Russell, UT, USA.
- Lillian Mahaney, USA.
- Marcus Wiles, OK, USA
- Mariamparo Watanabe
- Mary Lam, NY, USA.
- Mary Newson, USA.
- Megan Rasmussen, IL, USA.
- Michael Sylvia, SC USA.
- Molly Tobias, CA, USA.
- Neil Robinson, SD USA.
- Nicholas Cheng, NSW, Australia.
- Porter Wiseman, VA, USA.
- Priyanka Das, ON, Canada.
- Sarah Cullen, NSW, Australia.
- Sarah Kingdred
- Severance Bane, IN, USA.
- Stacy C Bauer, MN, USA.
- Zoe Pohl, MA, USA.
2021 Tree House Books Donation

On September 22, 2021, we donated 12 I Wish You Happiness hardcovers to Tree House Books via Little Bags by Anna. Tree House Books is a Giving Library and Literacy Center headquartered in North Philadelphia. They provide free books to children and families, and Out of School Time (OST) programs. Tree House Books is a registered nonprofit 501c3 organization.
2020-2022 Customer Donations
Thank you so much to these generous customers who donated books to children in need. ❤️
- Abryl Shinn-Amaro, OR, USA.
- Blake Dahle, SD, USA.
- Celeste Neaves, TX, USA.
- Cyndi King, ID, USA.
- Jessica Lisk, FL, USA.
- Jill Curphy, IA, USA.
- Jordan Johnson, CA, USA.
- Kaitlyn Graham, NSW, Australia.
- Kristyn Gentile, NJ, USA.
- Mary Newson, FL, USA.
- Robert Giller, MN, USA.
- Rosemary O’Brien, QLD, Australia.
- Rosie O’Leary, TX, USA.
- Seeto Family, NSW, Australia.
- Stacey Rees, Island Kids Early Childhood Center, NY, USA.
2020 Kickstarter Donations

In our June 2020 I Wish You Happiness Kickstarter campaign, we pledged to donate 100 copies of the I Wish You Happiness hardcover to the Barnardos Gifts for Kids Christmas Appeal.
Thank you so much to the 195 backers who helped us achieve our goal. Molly Tobias (California, USA) kindly donated two additional copies.
We handed over 102 copies of I Wish You Happiness to Marie Umbrazunas, Community Fundraising Manager at Barnardos, on November 18, 2020. That Christmas, 102 underprivileged kids who might not otherwise have received a gift received a copy of I Wish You Happiness.